Difference Lua Luajit
Lua: Lua programs are not interpreted directly from the textual Lua file, but are compiled into bytecode, which is then run on the Lua virtual machine. The compilation process is typically invisible to the user and is performed during run-time, but it can be done offline in order to increase loading performance or reduce the memory footprint of the host environment by leaving out the compiler.
Spring 5 has been the first major release since last few years - They have adopted the revolutionary changes happening in the JDK world, completely re-written Spring Core, Added support for Kotlin, Support for Reactive programming, Testing framework support for better fitment with Junit 5 etc. At the same time, they have discontinued the support for some legacy features like bean.factory.access, NativeJDBC & staticMock has been moved to other packages, Support for Hibernate 3/4 (now support Hibernate 5), MVC’s Tiles 2 (now support Tiles 3). It has also removed support for some libraries like Velocity, Guava etc.
Hello, I have been using Terraform for sometime but didn’t got a chance to have formal training or reading on this interesting subject. So I got my hands on a nice book on this subject and have just finished it - “Terraform: Up and Running” by Yevgeniy Brikman.
OS X shell/cli quickies
Sometimes It is hard for me to remember different shortcuts that are available on cli/shell in os x terminal so I am jotting some most used commands and they should work on unix/linux as well.
Redis Clusters
Recently I have been spending some time figuring out various clustering techniques that can be used in setting up redis cluster environment in cloud (AWS) or otherwise. First, AWS has elasticache which has redis option but elasticache doesn’t support cross-region replication and in doesn’t allow more than 5 read replicas (maybe it will in future releases of elasticache) - which was not meeting our requirements so we decided to stand our own redis cluster on ec2 intances. This gave us more flexibilty but yes - we have to take care of monitoring and some setups ourself which otherwise could have been taken care by elasticache. But thats Ok because redis configurations are not very complicated and for monitoring, We were planning to use influxdb/telegraf combination and not cloudwatch.