OS X shell/cli quickies

Sometimes It is hard for me to remember different shortcuts that are available on cli/shell in os x terminal so I am jotting some most used commands and they should work on unix/linux as well.

  • CTRL + A –> Brings control to the beinging of shell.
  • CTRL + E –> Brings control to the end of shell.
  • CTRL + W –> Delete words starting from end/right (backward word delete). So go to end and then use this command.
  • CTRL + D –> Forward delete character by character. (“Delete” button deletes from the right to left - So this is reverse). Go to beinging of shell and then use this command.
  • CTRL + K –> Deletes everything to its right. (Equal to ctrl + d except deletes in one go).
  • CTRL + U –> Deletes everything to its left in one go.
  • CTRL + L –> Equivalent of “clear”.
  • CTRL + D –> Logout of ssh session.

VI Editor Commands

Written on May 13, 2016